
Not doing it the “right” way

For those folks following along on my business journey – you may have noticed a quiet, static sound coming from my blog space.

Perhaps you thought, “Annie must be really busy with client projects.” And that is true, I have been.
I have directly experienced the truth that when you create something new and pour yourself into it opportunities come.

But that is not the main reason I haven’t been on my blog.

The main reason is fear.

The dreaded fear of “not doing it right the first time.” Do you know this fear? The voice in your head that says, “Just don’t bother doing it at all if you cannot get it right the first time.”
Something inside tells you there must be a certain, concrete way to do something for it to succeed. If you cannot do it that one, specific way do not bother because you will fail.

As my close friends know – I do not have this fear all the time. Often I will throw myself into a new project or idea with both feet, nose plugged, eyes clenched tight. I figure I will swim for sure once I am in the water.

I actually like that swirling, scary feeling of the plunge.

But when I have heard from numerous different people that there is one right way to do something – I freeze. I like to do things, well, umm, as close to perfect as humanly possible (which is actually not so perfect). When I am thinking about only one way to do or be, my inner critic gets full dominion of my mind.

I have spent the last 2 years reading the recommendations on how to blog by people who blog.
Blogging has a lot of experts!
How many days you should blog, how many words, how many pictures…

Too much noise, too many rules = stifled, gagged creativity.
I might as well stick my creativity down into a long jar and twist the lid tight.

So I am loosening the lid and letting some sunlight in.
I will give the rules a quick glance, take a deep breath, look the other way and jump with my two scared feet, in my timing.

Here is help dealing with the “do it right once” gene:

1. Give the rules a sideways glance.

find your truth
let go of the rest

2. Think about it less, do it more.

move that big toe forward & chill out the fast, fury of thoughts

3. Take the courage to be less perfect.

I am admitting I do not have the blog thing perfect, as I blog!

What are you not trying because you won’t get it perfect?
Whose rules are you listening to instead of your own clear voice?

You can do it your way.

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Want to read more on letting go of perfection…

Check out Brene Brown’s blog – Ordinary Courage

And for a good take on blogging rules…

Danny Brown writes about the blog every day myth on By Bloggers for Bloggers. (Thanks Kathy for sending me this great post.)

Annie Von EssenNot doing it the “right” way
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How to Relax and Unplug

Lately I have been coming home late and I am tired. When my partner is not home, I plop myself in front of the computer to watch TV.

I have spent all day in front of a screen. I have cranked away on emails and worked and reworked drafts of Word docs and then returned to emails. Sometimes I have a day with lovely meetings and one on one conversations with human beings. I love those moments. I am a fan of human beings.

But most of the day I am clicking and staring, clicking and forgetting to blink. Click. Click. Click. I come home hating screens, and then I think “I need to unplug” and then the not so brilliant thought enters my mind…I will just watch an episode of something mindless to relax.

Here is the deal…for me TV feels good like eating a pint of ice cream at one sitting feels good. And I think sometimes it is okay to indulge in that out of control feel goodness. But more screen time is not what I really need to relax. I need to step away from the screen. I have been thinking about this for a while yet still returning to bad reality shows at the end of the night.

Until a recent Saturday morning with nowhere to go and my loved one not at home. I decided to open a book and NOT a self-help book or business book. A novel, the Living by Annie Dillard.

I proceeded to read in bed for an hour.

I know this may be basic, simple knowledge…

but reading a good book in bed is extraordinary.

And the art of a good book read in bed may be dying.
This month and into the next, when I am craving an escape, when I need to unwind and let go,
I will pick up my fiction book and find a cozy nook.
(I may even take the book on the bus with me, instead of my iphone.)
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How to step away from the screen:

1. Find a fiction book to read

Find a fiction book in your home that you have not read. Open said book and begin reading.

2. Make time

Give yourself at least a half an hour to get into the book and hooked on the act of reading.

3. Keep book with you

Carry your book around with you. Sit down with it and read. Put book down for conversations, do not put book down for more screen time.

Relax. Unplug. Turn on your creativity.

Annie Von EssenHow to Relax and Unplug
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Add Life to your Morning

At the end of a long evening, decide to make bread. Decide that you will set aside an early morning for you and creation. Perhaps it is Friday night and you will make Saturday morning yours. Or it is Thursday night and you will go into the office a tad late on Friday.

1. Make a decision to take a morning for you and for some bread baking.

Plan to make two loaves. Find a lovely bread baking cookbook at a local used bookstore. (My favorite: The Laurel’s Kitchen Bread Book by Laurel Robertson.) Or you can grab a recipe online. (My favorite: 101 Cookbooks.)
Take the evening to knead your bread and get it ready to rise.

2. Make the bread.

Get up in the morning and make bread. Take your time, you are nurturing a living thing, preparing it to be life giving. Let the process surprise you.

3. Give a loaf of bread to a neighbor.

Take the bread out of the oven, wrap up in a flour sack cloth and head next door or down the hall. Present your neighbor with a warm loaf of bread and no apparent explanation. Watch confusion and joy spread across the face. Soak in the goodness bread provides. Head home and have a piece of toast!

Baking bread is good for:

? Neighbors going through a tough time
? Moments when life feels flat
? When you feel the world spinning and are unsure of your own creation

Annie Von EssenAdd Life to your Morning
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